Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I like the social bookmarking sites and in fact set one up earlier in the year after taking a class at Pat May. I did not use it much, but after I have gotten back into it, I think I will use it more. I often find things at home and end up emailing myself the website so that I will have it at school. This is a great way of staying organized and having access to your links.

My principal has tried to use a Wiki with our CI Leadership team, but it just hasn't taken off yet. We have all had to reply and add something to it, but really it has just been an exercise. The teachers are so busy that they don't want to take the time to check it, they forget how to get to it, etc. I think it can be a good thing, but it will have to be something that is used often if it is going to be effective. I can see using a Wiki with the students to do book reviews, but again you have to be careful about what is being added to the Wiki. At least with some blogs, you can set it up where you have to okay the comment before it is posted.

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