Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Last but Not Least

  • I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed this program. I know that I am not as technology savvy as I would like, and this program has forced me to delve into some things I would not otherwise have done.
  • One of the best discoveries I made during this process was that Web 2.0 is not as intimidating as I thought it would be. I am better at digging in and figuring things out than I thought I would be. I am loving my Bloglines and go to it every day to keep up with news, library issues, my own blog, etc. I know that in the future, I won't just sit back and wonder what everyone is talking about. I'll go, set up an account and see what it's all about...whatever IT may be! I never, never thought I would set up a Twitter account...but I did, just today. I saw that TeachingBooks.net posted things on Twitter and I thought that would be just one more way to stay in touch with what's going on with authors and other people that interest me.
  • One of my lifelong learning goals is to stay in touch with the students of the 21st Century and with my own children who are rapidly growing up in this technology laden world. This program has shown me some of what is out there and what I will have to keep up with or I will be left behind in the world of technology.
  • I was a bit surprised at how some of the technology is really useful in daily life and some is just fluff...at least to me! I don't have much free time, so if I am going to do something I want it to be worth my while.
  • I thought the program was very organized, easy to understand and not too overwhelming. However, it was fairly time consuming. By the time you read through everything, watched the videos, set up the accounts and blogged about it all, many, many hours were spent. The hours though, were worth the knowledge gained. I really can't suggest any changes because I didn't have many problems and really enjoyed myself.
  • I would definitely participate in another discovery program. The incentives helped, but I would probably do it anyway just knowing that it would make me a better librarian and 21st Century Mom!
  • I know this sounds goofy, but I hate that this is ending because I have learned so much. I guess now I will be paying closer attention to the tech courses HEB is offering so I can broaden my horizons!


  1. Wow...that is the best thing I've heard about this program yet! I'm glad it "forced" you to sit down and try new things...it's like trying to teach kids to like veggies! The whole purpose of the program was to put those daunting new 2.0 tools out to you in a non-threatening, easy manner, and give you time to digest them in small chunks, instead of trying to swallow them all at once.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it and that you found some things you can take away from it. You're right - there are so many tools out there that can not only help us better professionally, but can help us become better in many other ways as well.

    Thanks for joining in the journey!!

  2. Thanks so much Kiera! Now all I have to do is get my husband to let me have a Smart Phone and I'll be well on my way!!
